
WAVES LIKE WALLS - EP und neue Single als kostenloser Download online

Mo., 21.07.2014 - 12:40 Uhr

Anlässlich ihres zweijährigen Bestehens hat die Metal / Hardcore Band WAVES LIKE WALLS ihre "Brain As A Weapon" EP als kostenlosen Download veröffentlicht.

Ihr findet die EP auf online.

Weiterhin gibt es unter mit "Out of Reach" einen neuen Song zu hören und ebenfalls als Download.

Die Band kommentiert:

"2 years ago we started this project and it's still more than alive.
We had some ups and downsÂ….and without YOU we would not be here. There is nothing superior to go out and play some shows and a have a good time!

We wanna THANK EVERYBODY who was involved in the whole "WLW-process" (recording studios, family, friends, supporters, promoters, booker, people who read the lyrics, everyone who gave us a listen or wrote a review, everyone who set up/came to a show for/with us Â….and many many more)."

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