
NEAERA - Neues Album Ours Is The Storm steigt auf Platz 48 in die deutschen Albumcharts ein

Mi., 20.03.2013 - 07:38 Uhr

Deutschlands Extrem-Metal-Walze NEAERA ist mit ihrem neuen Album "Ours Is The Storm" erneut in die deutschen Albumcharts eingestiegen. Position 48 markiert den höchsten Charteinstieg in der Bandkarriere.

Die Band kann es selbst kaum glauben:

"We can hardly believe it, but our sixth album "Ours Is The Storm" has entered the official German Top 100 longplay charts at #48! We want to make it absolutely clear that this, first and foremost, is the result of YOUR support! We want to thank anyone who has picked up a copy of the album, who keeps coming to our shows, who spends their hard earned money on merch, for giving some relevance to what we do. You make all the hard work pay off, and so much more. We would be NOTHING without you people. From the bottom of our hearts: THANK YOU!"

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