
OH SLEEPER - Band bitte Fans um Hilfe für neue EP und VAN Reparatur

Fr., 26.04.2013 - 07:30 Uhr

Die US Metal Band OH, SLEEPER plant eine neue EP und bittet die Fans jetzt um etwas finanzielle Hilfe. Auch, um den durch einen Unfall kaputten Tourbus wieder in Gang zu bekommen und in diesem Jahr weitere Shows zu spielen.

Die Band hat dazu auf eine Crowdfunding Kampagne ins Leben gerufen, mit dem Ziel 30.000 US Dollar zu sammeln.

Hier die Ankündigung in Text und Bild:

"After three successful full-length albums, Oh, Sleeper are asserting their independence and taking their career directly into the hands of their most dedicated fans. Oh, Sleeper fan devotion is so intense that many of them have tattooed the band's symbol, lyrics and artwork on their bodies, created fan artwork, and participated in the "be that guy" campaigns on the road.

The band wants nothing more than to give back to all of these supporters and are asking for their help in releasing some brand new music. They will return to producer Andreas Magnusson to craft a brand new EP. They've collaborated with Magnusson many times, including on their most recent album, Children of Fire, which debuted at #1 on the Hard Rock charts.

The Indiegogo campaign will also help them purchase a new trailer and some much needed van repairs to enable them to stay out on the road playing shows. If the campaign goes well enough, they will carve out funds to record a second EP, resulting in a full-length's worth of music!

"We are so excited, anxious, nervous and stoked to venture out with something like this," commented frontman and co-founder Micah Kinard. "We know there are a lot of great methods of making and delivering music these days. After talking to several labels and looking at all of the 'crowd-funding' options, we really felt like Indiegogo was the right place to make our next move. We have gotten such passionate responses from our fans over the years, we are so excited to get even closer to them now."

Guitarist/vocalist Shane Blay added: "We're going to be on Warped Tour all summer for the first time and we want all of our supporters to be part of the experience. Launching this EP and getting some road repairs done this way just felt perfect."

The band has created a number of packages and incentives for fans who donate to the campaign. Shirts, armbands, hoodies, original artwork from the band, a USB stick filled with unreleased demos, an invitation to the "smash and burn" party where fans can help wield axes and torches as they decimate the band's broken down trailer, the opportunity to join the band on-stage...the list goes on.

The brand new concept EP the band will fund through the Indiegogo campaign brings Oh, Sleeper full circle. After all, their first release was an EP, The Armored March, and this new EP will serve as a bookend behind the three full-length albums. "We have nothing against the traditional label model necessarily, we are just very excited by these new mediums," added Kinard."

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