
SLIPKNOT - Joey Jordison musste offenbar die Band verlassen

Do., 02.01.2014 - 10:17 Uhr

Wie ex-Drummer Joey Jordison jetzt in einem Interview mitteilte, ist er wohl nicht freiwillig bei der US Metal Band SLIPKNOT ausgestiegen. Offenbar wurde er gefeuert. Details könne er nicht nennen.

So schreibt Jordison an seine Fans:

"To my fans, friends, and associates... I would like to start the New Year by addressing the recent rumours and speculation regarding my departure from Slipknot. I want to make it very clear that I DID NOT QUIT SLIPKNOT. This band has been my life for the last 18 years, and I would never abandon it, or my fans.

This news has shocked and blindsided me as much as it has all of you. While there is much I would like to say, I must remain silent to further details at this time. I would like to thank you all for your unwavering love and support, and wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year."

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