
STRUCTURES - Neues Album in Arbeit

Di., 10.09.2013 - 07:40 Uhr

Die kanadische Hardcore/Metal Band STRUCTURES ist aktuell mit Produzent Will Putney (For Today, After The Burial) im Studio und nimmt ein neues Album auf.

Die Band schreibt offiziell:

"We are very happy to announce that tomorrow we will be going into The Machine Shop in New Jersey to start the month long process of recording our second full length album with Will Putney. We have never been this excited about writing music, it's really been an amazing experience writing these songs together.

We want to thank you guys for your continued support, it surely has been a while since we released 'Divided By' but we are very happy that we waited this long because we truly have never felt better about our music as we do now. We have more exciting news coming soon, so keep posted and make sure you're getting all updates by clicking the "show in news feed" option at the top of the page.

Once again, we love you guys and truly appreciate your support."

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